Well, I finally tried my hand at writing a novel or more accurately a novella, but ran into a little difficulty at release time—it was considerably worse for our nation but certainly less than ideal for me too. Timing, as they say, is everything. My story is an adaptation of a public domain Agatha Christie novel The…

Picks of the YouTube #1

Jack White Acoustic in Alaska in 2015 (Full Show) I’ve seen Jack tear it up in large venues with heavy riffs and signature blistering solos but this clean-cut, freshly brylcreemed version of Jack was clearly equally in his element in this all-acoustic decidedly old-fashioned setting too. He was visibly relaxed as he told stories between…


Quarantine and Chill Recommendation: Patriot on Prime Video  To know if the series Patriot is for you it is only necessary to commit to the pilot episode to find out exactly how it is that deadpan lead character John secures his cover job at the industrial piping firm. If you don’t laugh out loud, I’m sorry…

Comrade Detective

I had this tv show in my watchlist for more than a year before finally bingeing the whole 6 episodes over a couple nights in a state of perpetual wonder and admiration. It’s presented as a lost Romanian Communist Party-commissioned cop buddy action series from the Cold War era and was filmed in Romania with…

Henry’s Words

I understand him just fine.  I have no idea why everyone else has so damn much trouble figuring out what he’s trying to tell them.  Give it a little effort, please.  For example, when little Henry is wearing his bike helmet and yelling “mop” over and over again it couldn’t be more obvious that he’s…

Spy In The Ointment

I’m not crazy about the title either, but don’t mistake the quality of the book with the goofy pun.  This is one damn funny book.  I’ve read and enjoyed many a Donald Westlake comic crime novel but this one (first published in 1966) is right up there with The Hot Rock as the very best. …

My Last Sigh (The Autobiography of Luis Bunuel)

This will likely be the first and last time I recommend a film connoisseur type book, but this is such a great read you don’t even need to be a fan of Bunuel’s films to enjoy this outstanding autobiography written shortly before his death in 1983. For those of you wondering who the hell I’m…

Fishing With John

If I had to choose a favorite Criterion Collection DVD (yep, I’m old), Fishing with John would undoubtedly be the one.  It’s so ridiculously and perfectly goofy, I never tire of it.  There’s the ice fishing with Willem Dafoe episode, the shark fishing with Jim Jarmusch episode, Dennis Hopper and the giant squid, Tom Waits…

On Beer Tasting Notes

From my years of wine sales, I can tell you that no two sommeliers ever tasted the exact same things in the wines we presented. Not even the master sommeliers. One person’s Yuzu is another’s Calamansi, and Santa Rosa Plum is obviously Black Raspberry to the next of the smug elitist bastards. So enough with…